The Coningsby Gallery

Debut Art

Outstanding contemporary illustration
and graphic and fine art.

A Geometry of Echoes / Dan Fern

Following the success of Dan Fern’s 2018 monograph ‘On the Horizon’, and intended as a sequel, Fern’s new book, ‘A Geometry of Echoes’, will be launched at an exhibition of the same name and will feature many of the artworks contained in the book. With a new essay by leading critic and writer, Rick Poynor, and again designed by Nerina Wilter, the new 200-page book contains a comprehensive selection of Dan Fern’s works since 2018. This includes the epic ‘bibliotek’ project of collages on found books; a further exploration of Fern’s continuing interest in mountain landscapes coupled with his fascination for the T’ang Dynasty artists and poets referred to collectively in Chinese culture as the ‘rivers and mountains’ artists; and ‘…sometime, never’ - extracts from Dan Fern’s journals and notebooks during the period dominated by the global corona virus epidemic.

Dan Fern is an award-winning graphic artist and an influential teacher. A graduate of Manchester College of Art and the Royal College of Art in London, Fern has worked extensively across all areas of visual communication; his commissioned graphic works have been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in Kyoto, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum, the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, the Smithsonian Institute in New York and London’s Victoria and Albert Museum.

Dan Fern retired as Head of the RCA’s School of Communications in 2010, and as a Professor Emeritus retains his links with education as a lecturer and research supervisor.



Our standard opening hours are below but some exhibitions may have different opening hours. If they do, those opening hours will be detailed opposite.

9am - 6pm Monday - Friday

Weekends by appointment only UNLESS detailed otherwise opposite.

Specific weekend opening hours will be detailed opposite.

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays, unless stated otherwise opposite.

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Exhibition Calendar

November 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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26 27 28 29 30 1 2